Important Legal Information
The website is published under the responsibility of the Brussels Taxation Regional Public Service. Through the website, the Administration makes a range of legal information available to the general public.
To be able to provide this information on the website, a substantial amount of work had to go into developing, verifying and presenting its content.
Some parts of the website present the legislation in force in simple terms. These sections aim to explain basic principles in understandable language. These sections are purely informative and, therefore, no rights arise from them.
The Administration aims to update all information constantly. If some errors remain despite this, corrections will be made as soon as they have been reported.
All the information on the website is subject, among other things, to legislation on copyright enforcement, database protection, the protection of privacy and the Open Data Policy of 27 October 2016 transposing Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the reuse of public sector information.
Mandatory Legal Notice
- Identification of the responsible publisher:
Dirk De Smedt
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1210 Brussels - Identification of the technical directorate:
Bruxelles Fiscalité (Brussels Taxation)
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1210 Brussels
- Complaints
Users of the information contained in these pages waive the right to lodge any complaint, of any nature whatsoever, about how the information made available by the system is used, whether this complaint is lodged against the Belgian State or against any other body that provided the disclosed information. - Risks
The user further undertakes to take responsibility for any risks linked to using the system, including the risk that computers, software or data may be damaged by any virus that may have been transferred or activated through the system or by the fact that the user has accessed the system. - Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute concerning the website and/or its content is subject to the rules of Belgian law and falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Brussels courts.
Hypertext Links
It is possible to create a direct link to a content page on the website without prior authorisation.
It is forbidden to embed all or part of the website in a frame (for example, through ‘encapsulation’) or to use any other technique by deliberately concealing the original address and legal notices.
Mandatory Information on the Data Sources
The law of 7 March 2007 deals with the reuse of public information and data for commercial and non-commercial use. The following procedures shall be applied in the context of data reuse.
- For non-commercial use
The user will mention: SPRB BRUXELLES FISCALITE (BRUSSELS TAXATION), link to the website, followed by the year of the data reuse. The link will be linked to the website URL and made clickable. For example: © SPRB BRUXELLES FISCALITE (BRUSSELS TAXATION), website. - For commercial use
The user will mention: SPRB BRUXELLES FISCALITE (BRUSSELS TAXATION) (the date of the data update) + (the short or long URL of the website page which the data comes from). The website link will be linked to the URL and made clickable. For example: 2013, the website (example with short URL).
Data Reproduction and Reuse
Data reuse is free of charge. This does not exclude certain restrictions on the extraction and reuse of data from the website.
Copyright and database protection
The law on copyright (Code of Economic Law XI.164-171) but also on the legal protection of databases (Code of Economic Law XI.186-188), among others, entirely applies to the website and its content.
In the case of commercial use, the reuse, extraction, duplication or reproduction of data and computer code is subject to a prior request.
The person or organisation that reuses data from the website cannot alter it. The person or organisation will ensure that the integrity and nature of the administrative document or its html/xml code are respected.
The modification of the html code is subject to a prior written request.
Please send your questions by e-mail to or by post to:
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1210 Brussels